Kamu bisa download Prophet bot v 3.5 buat pw indo evolutionny di link dibawah ini (pilih salah satu ) Mirror 1. Dasbodh in english pdf. Mirror 2 Mirror 3.
so I will give the bot to the last patch in Indonesia, First I would like to thank: Prophet to the source code, which made me fall in love with learning autoit. Both the G0liath, to the source code as well, which is good, also to Smurfit, Interest07, Swoosh, aminuren, dumbfck,, Merdaka, loolkop, NoOobs, and the other, for they were very helpful post In this bot I put the source code of G0liath, So not so much changed, But I do not use mine plants, and minerals, so I get rid of the source, 1. add functionality to fly back to the city, the sources inside so it can be changed according to your taste 2.Add Blackslist function, so when there is a killer comes, all the bots directly back to the city, but this is also my non-disabled, can be enabled again by deselecting; and put it in the Main Func 3.Add buff level 2 you can work especial itself in the source code, because my settings for this bot aq according to the need: p Note: sendpacket to return to the city does not work, because I do not have time to play the game again, again preparing for the future This bot work in indonesia server,I am not responsible, when in use for international servers, and exposed baned, because in Indonesia the GM is very humane, make a play on the server ANGIN_EMAS, if confused can whisp my car in the game, Venomancer coolest and noisier in the game,: '> But it is rarely active, because I was busy with my future, 9/22/2014 offset renkarnasi PW_ID/Indo [Perfect_World_Base_Address_In_Decimal] Application_Title=Perfect World International Base_Address=13231948 Real_Base_Address=13229996 Base_AddressFZ=13233152 Base_AddressEXP=13235136 SendPacket_Adress=7584720 ChatBase_Address=13090272 LastChat_Address=13090284 [Custom_32_Offsets_In_Decimal] CHARSTRUCT1_OffSet=48 Name_offset=1712 CHARID_Offset=1172 LVL_Offset=1184 Class_offset=1720 CharState_Offset=1856 EXP_OffSet=1200 Spirit_offset=1204 Reputation_Offset=1568 Culti_Offset=1188 HP_OffSet=1192 MaxHP_OffSet=1268 MP_OffSet=1196 MaxMP_OffSet=1272 CHI_Offset=1212 MAXCHI_Offset=1396 VIT_offset=1252 MAG_offset=1256 STR_offset=1260