Posted on May 17, 2019 No Comments

Robert Adams – Just the Satsangs. Robert Adams was a very unusual spiritual teacher. He did not want to be one at all. He liked being left alone to walk with his little dog Dimitri or sit in his backyard doing nothing. Yet he held satsangs. His Parkinson’s disease progressed to the point he could not do physical work any more. During 1987 to 1995 Robert Adams held 248 satsangs in Hollywood Hills and this book is the complete 1,297 pages long transcription from those meetings.

From the book:

Concerning the Convocation of the Spirits, ' and ' I what Manner we ought to Carry out the Operations. Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets Nye.

“Leave things alone. The universe knows what it’s doing. It doesn’t need any help from you. Leave everything alone and watch what happens. When you try to interfere with the process, you cause pain for yourself, misery for yourself. But as you leave things alone, the true Self, the I Am, comes into play and takes over your so-called life, your humanhood, whatever that is and you will find joy in the right place, doing the right things and everything is unfolding as it should. As we become deeply involved in Advaita, non-duality, we find that all the teachings of Advaita from the beginning of time tell us all that we have to do is make the mind quiescent, to make the mind calm, peaceful, relaxed, to quiet the mind and then you’ll be self-realized. In Buddhism, they say to kill the mind. In Hinduism they say to control the mind. In all the great religions of the world they always go back to the mind because they realize that’s where all the problems come from where all the errors come from this is where the misconceptions come from, the mind. In other words, the mind has got to go! But trying to kill the mind is really a metaphor. All the ways of getting rid of the mind are a metaphor. You don’t really want to get rid of the mind because just by thinking of this the mind becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. You know yourself, anytime you try to quiet the mind it becomes louder and louder. Whenever you try to remove thoughts from the mind, the thoughts become stronger and stronger. So what is a way to do this? Look at it like this. There’s a wall, an imaginary wall between consciousness and the mind and the thoughts. The thoughts and the mind are synonymous. As you try to get rid of the thoughts, you come up against a wall, you come to a dead end. Therefore, the real way to lose the mind is to get rid of the wall, not the thoughts. The so called invisible wall that separates consciousness from the thoughts. And you do this by not trying to remove any thoughts or change any thoughts or kill any thoughts. You merely “remove the wall” and the thoughts will take care of themselves or move past the wall to consciousness. And then consciousness will prevail, which is your real Self.”

Download the free PDF e-book ‘Just the Satsangs’ here (1,297 pages/7.4 MB):

Robert Adams – Just The Satsangs

Category:Buddhism, Comlete works - Compilations, Non-duality, Philosophy, Psychology, Radical liberation, Uncategorized, Zen
Tags:Advaita >mind >satsang >self-realized

Posted on May 14, 2019 No Comments

First Things First -Essays on the Buddhist Path was published in 2018 by the Metta Forest Monastery and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported. The essays were collected from various sources and are the seventh collection of essays by the Buddhist monk Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu.

The essays included in this book are: Honest to Goodness, Did the Buddha Teach Free Will?, In the Eyes of the Wise, First Things First, The Karma of Now, The Streams of Emotions, Worlds & Their Cessation, Wisdom over Justice, All Winners, No Losers, How Pointy is One-pointedness?, The Limits of Description, and The Names for Nirvana. From the book:

One of the most distinctive features of the Dhamma is that it points to the source of suffering inside. In other words, we suffer because of our own actions, and we’ll be able to end suffering only when we can change the way we act. To be willing to take on such a teaching—rather than one that blames our suffering on things or people outside, or that promises that someone outside can end our suffering for us—we need at least a glimmer of two qualities of the character. We have to be (1) observant enough and (2) honest enough to admit that, yes, we do suffer from our own actions, and that we’ll have to clean up our own act if we want the suffering to stop.

Download First Things First here (107 pages/1.7 MB):

First Things First

Category:Buddhism, Literature, Philosophy, Theravàda
Tags:Bhikkhu >Emotions >Nirvana >suffering >teaching

Posted on April 9, 2019 No Comments

Mind Games – Short Fiction about Bizarre Mental Health Disorders, is a brilliant tour through some of the rarest but existing mental diagnosis. The stories are written by the Czech philosopher and psychologist Sam Vaknin, who has allowed me to post the book here. Read for instance about the condition that a small number of blind people suffers from, the belief that they can see. Or the strange disorder, that convinces the patient that everyone around him is imposers and that everything looks like perfect copies of the real thing. Or the novel about mass deception taking place in New York just days before 9/11.

Download Mind Games here (130 pages/1.5 MB):

Mind Games – Short Fiction about Bizarre Mental Health Disorders

Category:Bizarre, Literature, Psychology

Posted on March 25, 2019 3 Comments

One should pay attention, when the smartest man who ever lived, with an IQ between 250 and 300 writes about philosophy. Here is a fine selection of books by the extraordinary man, William James Sidis. A January morning in 1910 hundreds of students and professors gathered in the great lecture hall at Harvard University. On stage steps up William James Sidi to present his research about the mathematics of the fourth dimension. William was just eleven years old. William James Sidis was a genius and he still has the highest IQ ever recorded, somewhere between 250 and 300.

He was able to read the New York Times when he was 18 months old and taught himself Latin and Greek. A few years later he spoke more than ten languages and wrote books on all kinds of topics.

But William was a shy person and he did not like to be in the spotlight. He broke with his family and lived alone. He took simple jobs and every time he was recognized as the wonder-child he moved on. During his life, he wrote an unknown number of books. He wrote mostly under different pseudonyms and it still is disputed what works he actually wrote, it has been speculated that a huge number of his books was never published.

He wrote extensively on politics, anthropology, grammar, astronomy, anatomy. He discovered black holes before anyone else but published in an obscure book. Search the animate and the inanimate. He made valuable contributions to philosophy and took on Aristotle and Heidegger and wrote treatises on history, government, economics, and political affairs and he also wrote books on public transportation and organizational structures. I suggest you read the excellent Wikipedia article about him.

The Animate and the Inanimate

Watch the biography of William James Sidis here:

Category:Philosophy, Psychology, Reference, Science
Tags:animate >astronomy >grammer >IQ >sidis

Posted on March 10, 2019 No Comments

The Autobiography of St. Ignatius is considered by the Société des Bollandistes the most valuable record of the great Founder of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, also known as Ignatius of Loyola. The editors of the Stimmen Aus Maria Laach, the German review, as well as those of the English magazine, The Month, tell us that it, more than any other work, gives an insight into the spiritual life of St. Ignatius. Few works in ascetical literature, except the writings of St. Teresa and St. Augustine, impart such a knowledge of the soul.

To understand fully the Spiritual Exercises, we should know something of the man who wrote them. In this life of St. Ignatius, told in his own words, we acquire an intimate knowledge of the author of the Exercises. We discern the Saint’s natural disposition, which was the foundation of his spiritual character. We learn of his conversion, his trials, the obstacles in his way, the heroism with which he accomplished his mission.

Download the free PDF e-book published in 1900 here:

The Autobiography of St Ignatius

Category:Biographies, Catholicism, Christianity
Tags:Ignatius >Jesuit >Loyola >St. Augustine >St. Teresa

Posted on February 16, 2019 No Comments

A Brief History of the Jamme Tulkus of The Drukpa Kagyu Tradition is a remarkable insight into the practices and works of the school also known as “Oral Lineage” or “Whispered Transmission”. The Kagyu is one of the six main sects of the Tibetan Mahamudra Buddhism and it is today divided into three groups, the Karma Kagyu, Drikung Kagyu and as the topic here: the Drukpa Kagyu.

This text contains a brief history of the lines of re-incarnate beings Jamme Tulku and Jamme Lhachog Tulku who are two of the great tulkus of the Drukpa Kagyu tradition. A short history of the monastery they established centuries ago in Tibet, called Jamme Gonpa is included. The following is translated from Tibetan text provided by Jamme Tulku.

Download the free PDF e-book here:

Jamme Tulku History

Category:Buddhism, Mahayana
Tags:Drukpa >Jamme >karma >Tibet >Transmission >Tulku

Posted on February 14, 2019 No Comments

Khordeh Avesta (Khordeh Avesta Bā-Māyeni). The oldest Zoroastrian religious scripture, as preserved at present, is known as the Avesta. A section of this Avesta is known as the “Khordeh-Avesta’ which means the “Smaller or Selected Avesta”. This is the book of daily prayers of the Zoroastrians. It is a cherished possession of every devoted Zoroastrian household. The Khordeh Avesta is a collection of prayers selected from other major works of extant Avesta literature such as Yasna, Vispered, Vendidad, and the Yasht Literature.

Zoroastrians recite their prayers in Avesta which is a sacred language. Among several words for “prayers” in Avesta, one is called “mānthra”, which means “thought (force), word, holy word”. It is similar to the Sanskrit “mantra”, and the Sanskrit translation is rendered as “mānthravāni” which is also significantly called “ādesha”: “Divine Command”. You might also be interested in the Zend Avesta: Link.

Download the Khordeh Avesta PDF here (365 pages/3.2MB):

Khordeh Avesta

Category:Ancient Religions, Hinduism, Literature, Philosophy, Zoroastrianism
Tags:Avesta >literature >mantra >Sanskrit

Posted on February 14, 2019 2 Comments

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche. I am proud to present this collection gathered from various sources. The books are cleaned and processed so all scans consist of clear, searchable text and some empty pages have been removed for faster downloads. These 18 volumes are the complete writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, the 18’th volume being an index and extensive biography of Friedrich Nietzsche life and work. For starters, I suggest reading the excellent Wikipedia article here: Link

I have posted single public domain works by Nietzsche during the last years and they have all been much appreciated. If you are only looking for titles such as The Birth of Tragedy, The Gay Science or Thus spoke Zarathustra you can find them all here on the site in English. But if you are looking for the full package, here you are. If you are really into it, and I know you are out there, I have prepared a single txt-file with all of the books for you here (comes in a little while, Acrobat is stilling working :-) )

Download the single volumes of Friedrich Nietzsche’s works here:

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL I

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL II

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL III

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL IV

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL V

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL VI

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL VII

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL VIII

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL IX

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL X

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XI

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XII

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XIII

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XIV

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XV

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XVI

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XVII

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche VOL XVIII

Category:Biographies, Christianity, Comlete works - Compilations, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Reference
Tags:Complete works >Nietzsche >Tragedy

Posted on February 1, 2019 No Comments

Our friends over at just posted the book about a journalist who in 1921 walked around Australia alone and unassisted.

Posted on January 31, 2019 No Comments

The Prophet by Khalil Gibran entered the world of Public Domain on January 1, 2019. The book is here available as a free pdf ebook. It was written in English by the Lebanese Khalil Gibran and published in 1923. Its poetic wisdom and the spiritual universal message has made it a modern classic now translated to more than 40 languages. The work is now in the Public Domain and can be downloaded here in full length:

The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

You might also like these books by Khalil Gibran:

Category:Comlete works - Compilations, Literature, Nobel Prize, Philosophy

Posted on January 31, 2019 2 Comments

The most complete collection of the books by Hermann Hesse you will ever find on the Internet. There never was an official compilation of the works på Hermann Hesse in English. Here I have tried to sort out the works currently in the Public Domain and edited the works for the PDF-format. If a page is missing, it is because I have removed empty pages for faster downloads. Also, the books are converted to searchable texts, for the analysts. As I find more texts by Hesse I will post them here, and if you come across some you are most welcome to let me know.

Hermann Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. In 1946, he
received the Nobel Prize in Literature. His best-known works include
Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game (also known as Magister
Ludi), each of which explores an individual’s search for authenticity, self-knowledge, and spirituality. I will not go into details about the life of Hermann Hesse, since there is an excellent biography of his life and work as an introduction to “Poems by Hermann Hesse”.

Demian By Hermann Hesse

Gertrude By Hermann Hesse

Poems By Hermann Hesse

Steppenwolf By Hermann Hesse

The Glassbead Game By Hermann Hesse

The Journey By Hermann Hesse

The Prodigy By Hermann Hesse

Thoughts on the Idiot by Dostoevsky By Hermann Hesse

And of course we also have Siddharta:

Category:Biographies, Comlete works - Compilations, Literature, Nobel Prize, Philosophy, Psychology

Posted on January 30, 2019 2 Comments

The Sama Veda or “The song of Knowledge” is one of four Vedas, a group of ancient texts believed to the divine. The Sama Veda has a history of oral transmission for hundreds of years before it was written down in 1200 to 1000 BCE at about the same time as Atharvaveda and the Yajurveda. The work consists of 1,549 verses and the various old versions tend to be very similar regardless of the geographical widespread locations in India. The Sama Veda is important especially to the Vedanta school since it contains the Chandogya Upanishad and Kena Upanishad, which are considered primary Upanishads. Furthermore, the Same Veda includes the Kandas:

Agneya Kanda
Indra Kanda
Pavamana Kanda
Aranya Kanda

– And of course The Uttara Archika. It is also in the Sama Veda we learn about the Soma-Juice and the moon-plant sacrifices. Download the free PDF e-book here (214 pages/6,6MB):

The Sama Veda

Posted on January 25, 2019 No Comments

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden was the key text that led to the decipherment of the Demotic Ancient Egyptian dialect. The text reveals spells to cure diseases, obtain visions, raise the dead, a number of spells for erotic purposes, to kill or blind enemies, invoke Thot and Anubis etc. The text contains invocations to a wide range of deities and other entities, with names drawn from the Ancient Egyptian pantheon and the Gnostic Aeons.

The Leyden Papyrus dates from around the beginning of the Christian era. It was probably the textbook of a practicing sorcerer in Egypt. The Papyrus was discovered at Thebes in the middle of the 19th century, assembled from fragments at Leiden and London, and it remains one of the most important documents for revealing the potions, spells, incantations, and other forms of magic worked in Egypt. In addition to purely native elements involving the gods, the manuscript shows the influence of Gnostic beliefs, Greek magic, and other magical traditions.

A transliteration of the demotic script is printed on facing pages with a complete translation, which is copiously supplied with explanatory handwritten footnotes. The editors supply an informative introduction and a classification of the types of magic involved. As a result, this publication is of great importance to Egyptologists, students of magic, and the reader who wishes to judge the efficacy of Egyptian magic for himself.

Download the free PDF e-books here:

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden VOL I

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden VOL II

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden VOL III

Posted on January 20, 2019 No Comments

The Philosophical Works of David Hume is the primary philosophical writings of the Scottish thinker and historian. The works consist of four volumes, you can download them here in full as scanned PDF e-books. These versions are the ones published in June 1825 and therefore includes the two essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul which were omitted in the 1777 editions. Moreover, this version also includes the Account of the Controversy with David Humes friend and fellow philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Their disagreements did cast a shadow over the Age of Reason and called into doubt Rousseau’s sanity and Hume’s reputation, according to David Edmonds and John Eidinow, co-authors of Rousseau’s Dog: Two Great Thinkers At War In The Age of Enlightenment. The edition you can download below also has an autobiography.

David Hume continues to be relevant, especially for his take on the philosophy of consciousness. Hume is known for his bundle theory, which rejects that central to consciousness should be an I or ego. These thoughts are being discussed in A Treatise on Human Nature in volume I and II.

Download The Philosophical Works of David Hume here, each volume is about 500 pages/20MB:

The Philosophical Works of David Hume Vol I

The Philosophical Works of David Hume Vol II

The Philosophical Works of David Hume Vol III

The Philosophical Works of David Hume Vol IV

The Philosophical Works of David Humes as an audiobook, listen here:

Category:Biographies, Comlete works - Compilations, Philosophy, Podcast/Audiobook

Posted on January 10, 2019 No Comments

Complete Works of H. G. Wells – yes, all of them. Last year all of Herbert George Wells books entered the world of Public Domain and here they are for your reading pleasure in all their glory and entirety. If you prefer I have even created a single file containing all every single volume. H. G. Wells is probably most known for his science fiction works, with books such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, but he wrote in a number of genres. H. G. Wells was an active socialist and he visited Soviet on several occasions. Nevertheless, he also revealed a subtle spiritual side. He said: “Christianity is not now true for me. … Every believing Christian is, I am sure, my spiritual brother … but if systemically I called myself a Christian I feel that to most men I should imply too much and so tell a lie.”

Download the free PDF e-books here. The complete PDF is the last one:


Posted on January 9, 2019 No Comments

Non-violence – a study guide based on early Buddhist teachings takes the reader through Buddha’s original philosophy about non-violence as described in the Pāli-canon: The earliest extant canon of the Buddha’s teachings. The Buddha continuously describes his sense of dismay at the violence and conflict in the world, together with his important discovery: that the only escape from violence is to remove the causes of violence from your own heart. To remove these causes, you first have to restrain yourself from engaging in violence on the external level. That helps create the proper karmic context—more peaceful and honest—for extracting the causes of violence and conflict on the internal level. In other words, you have to stop engaging in violence before you can isolate and uproot the emotions and thoughts that would make you want to engage in violence to begin with. Non-violence also includes a number of stories one of them the story of King Brahmadatta and Prince Dīghāvu. From the book:

§11. Searching all directions
with your awareness,
you find no one dearer
than yourself.
In the same way, others
are thickly dear to themselves.
So you shouldn’t hurt others
if you love yourself. — Ud 5:1

Download Non-violence here as a free, complete PDF e-book (115 pages/850 Kb)


Category:Buddhism, Philosophy, Theravàda
Tags:Brahmadatta >buddha >Dīghāvu >karma >Non-violence >Pali Canon

Posted on January 5, 2019 No Comments

Ethical Studies Selected Essays by F. H. Bradley a great introduction to the works of the English philosopher. This was his first book of which T. S. Eliot in 1926: “It is unusual, that a book so famous and influential should remain out of print so long as Bradley’s Ethical Studies.’ Bradley apparently planned a total revision of the book before he would allow republication, but when he died he left only some notes for his revision, making no change in the essentials of his belief. A second edition, with the notes, was published in 1927, fifty-one years after the book’s appearance.

Bradley deserves his place in that long line of British philosophers who are masters of English prose—a line that includes Bacon, Hobbes, Berkeley, and Hume. Although he often lacks the clarity of his predecessors, Bradley has his own qualities: precision and intensity, wit that is sometimes caustic, an alteration of assurance and diffidence, and above all, a singular honesty. If you are into Bradley, and you should be after reading the Ethical Studies, I dare you to read his magnum opus Appearance and Reality.

Download the free PDF e-book here:

Ethical Studies Selected Essays by F. H. Bradley

A quick introduction to the Ethics of F. H. Bradley:

Tags:Bacon >Berkeley >Hobbes >Humes

Posted on January 4, 2019 2 Comments

Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis (~Natural and non-natural magic) was written in 1505 in Germany by a Doktor Johannes Faust, an alchemist and devil worshipper from the village of Knittlingen, Württemberg. It is said that he was a genius but several but after he had fled a teaching position in Kreuznach after molesting several of the boys and later was expelled from the University of Erfurt by the Franciscan monk Dr. Klinge he was unwanted in a number of German cities. Both Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon should have claimed that Faust stood in companionship with the devil himself. For a more complete biography about Doktor Johannes Faust read the article here:
The book, Magia naturalis et innaturalis, is printed inGothicc German, but what I find interesting is the high quality of the graphic pages. I have removed empty pages and made the text searchable in this document.
Download the free PDF e-book here (512 pages/20 MB):

Magia naturalis et innaturalis

Posted on January 3, 2019 3 Comments

THE HYMN: Song of the Soulis the spiritual song of an anonymous author. On publication, the author of this small talisman of a book that gives its beholder wings veiled their identity, their hope is that the reader may discover within the words their own universal “soul song.” Only a single copy of the original book exists. From the book:

“I sing a freedom song.
I walk a victory march.
I dance naked,
and enter the void.
Follow me —”

Only one copy exists

Natural Healing Encyclopedia Pdf Download

Designed and typeset by the author, printed by letterpress in New York, and hand-bound in London, the extravagantly produced one-of-a-kind book was a gift from its creator to the recipient named within. This book is a facsimile of that gift. The original has its home at THEHYMN.COM. Thanks to IVVIIMMIX for letting us post the book here.

Download the free PDF e-book here:


Category:Philosophy, Psychology, Radical liberation

Posted on January 1, 2019 No Comments

Come and See – Three Dhamma Talks. For 40 years, the monk Phra Ajaan Funn Ācāro wandered throughout northeastern Thailand, facing and overcoming many hardships—wild animals, lack of food, and recurring diseases. Because of his kindness and strength of character, he developed a following, both lay and ordained. In 1944, he returned to his home village in Phannana Nikhom district and stayed in a cemetery near to a neighboring lake. The local villagers set up a small hut and Dhamma hall at the spot, and this was the beginning of Wat Paa Udomsomphorn, the monastery where Ajaan Funn eventually settled in the last decades of his life. However, it wasn’t until 1964 that he actually began spending the Rains there. In the meantime, he set up monasteries and hermitages in several secluded spots throughout the northeast. These talks do convey a sense of his strength of character, with its distinctive combination of kindness and strictness. Because of their value, both as a record of the teachings of the Wilderness Tradition and as inspiring lessons in the Dhamma, three of them are offered here in translation.

Download the free PDF e-book Come and See here (47 pages/ 1.06MB):

Come And See

Category:Biographies, Buddhism, Theravàda
Tags:Wilderness Tradition

Posted on November 27, 2018 No Comments

Wallis Budge E A – The Babylonian Legends of the Creation – 1921

The Babylonian Legends of the Creation and the Fight between Bel and the Dragon are stories translated from the Assyrian tablets found in Nineveh by Tigris in today’s Iraq. The tablets were initially discovered by A. H. Layard, Honnuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. They were found among the ruins of the Palace and Library of Ashur-bani-pal (B.C. 668-626) at ~uyunji~ (Nineveh), between the years I848 and 1876. Between I866 and 1870, the great “find” of tablets and fragments, some 20,000 in number, which Rassam made in 1852. was worked through by George Smith, who identified many of the historical inscriptions of Shalmaneser II, Tiglath-Pileser III, Sargon II, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, and other kings mentioned in the Bible, and several literary compositions of a legendary character, fables, etc. This fine book by the British Museum, printed in 1921 tells the story of the discovery of the tablets and presents the great myths about the creation of the world and the epic fight between Bel and the Dragon. Download the free PDF e-book here (36 pages/7.3MB):

The Babylonian Legends of the Creation

Category:Ancient Religions

Posted on November 26, 2018 No Comments

Gods of the North is about the mythology of the Vikings, Angels, Saxons and Jutes and how it has shaped cultures, languages and later religions. The author Brian Branston states that a myth is like a dream; a direct expression of the unconscious mind, and the events of a myth, its characters and symbols are to the human race as the events, characters and symbols of his dream are to the individual. Like a dream the myth may ignore the conventional logic of space and time relationships, of events following one after another in a causal sequence. Nevertheless, a dream has a meaning which can be made plain; and so has a myth. It is not easy to interpret the myths of our own culture, for our near ancestors-those of a thousand odd years ago-were persuaded to forget them or to relegate their broken remnants to the nursery. The Gods of the North were once upon a time the gods of our forefathers. The fossilized remains of these deities survive in place-names for instance, as Wansdyke, Wednesbury, Wensley, Tuesley and Thundersley; in the names of the days of the week, as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; in folklore and fairy tale with their stories of witches on broomsticks. You might also like this book:

The mythology of the Vikings, Angels, Saxons and Jutes and how it has shaped later cultures.
Published by: Thames and Hudson
ISBN: 500 11003 4

Download the free PDF e-book here (336 page/12MB):

Gods of the North

Download Encyclopedia Of Spirits Pdf

Posted on November 16, 2018 No Comments

The Lie Behind the Lie Detector is now out in its fifth edition. The free book outlines the history of the lie detector, the science behind polygraphs and why they are highly unreliable bordering to plain pseudoscience. The authors George W. Maschke and Gino J. Scalabrini, who runs the website, takes the reader through the most common misconceptions about the lie detectors and tell the stories about some prominent scandals involving the misuse of lie detectors. The book even has several chapters on how to manipulate the results of most common used polygraphs. It is easier than you might think.

Download the free book The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (232 pages/ 3.75 MB) here:

The Lie Behind the Lie Detector

Posted on November 2, 2018 No Comments

This translation is the sixt attempt to make the Hindu epic Ramayana available in English from the original Sanskrit material. Romesh Dutt’s approach was to approximate the original presentation by translate it into English verses, a huge task, which he published in 1899. Romesh Dutt was born in Bengal and he had complete mastery of English. His first considerable essay was a history of Civilisation in Ancient India, which, though not a work of original research, fulfilled a useful purpose in its day. When freedom from Government service gave him the opportunity he set himself to writing the Economic History of India and India in the Victorian Age, the two together forming his chief contribution to the subject which he, more than any other Indian of his time, had made his own. In these books, there is much criticism of British administration, strongly felt if temperately expressed. Apart from this, its more controversial side, the work of Romesh Dutt is valuable mainly in that it has helped to reveal, to his own people no less than to ours, the spiritual riches of ancient India. ∪∀∞.

Download the free pdf e-book here (176 pages/ 3MB):


Posted on October 28, 2018 No Comments

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter, art theorist, and poet. He became famous for painting the first purely abstract works as part of the Soviet avant-garde that flourished until about 1930. Kandinsky’s experiments became too much for Stalin’s increasing political control over the art-scene and also Kandinsky’s spiritual outlook was not comme il faut for the trending Soviet Realism. He went to Germany taught at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture for a few years until the Nazis closed it in 1933. Kandinsky’s paintings are among the most expensive at international auctions today, but his writings are often overlooked. Here is a collection, maybe the most complete you will find, of his writings on art and spirituality. Download the free pdf e-books here:

On the Spiritual in Art Kandinsky
The Art of Spiritual Harmony
Point and Line to Plane by Kandinsky
Kandinsky Russian and Bauhaus Years
Sounds by Kandinsky Wassily

Britannica Encyclopedia Pdf

Watch Wassily Kandinsky: A collection of 366 works (HD) here:

Encyclopedia Of Spirits Pdf

Category:Biographies, Bizarre, Comlete works - Compilations, Literature, Reference
Tags:Avantgarde >Kandinsky >Russia >Soviet >Stalin
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