Form Entry Data Karyawan. Form Laporan Data Karyawan. Laporan Data Karyawan. Form Entry Data Jabatan. Entry Data Jabatan. Laporan Jabatan Karyawan Baru. Dalam melakukan aktivitas pengisian (entri) data ke dalam suatu tabel daftar pada Excel, kebanyakan orang lebih menggunakan form entri data untuk memudahkan pengisian jika dibandingkan dengan mengisi tabel secara horizontal.
I Hope my question is not wrong(not easy for you). to the point..
I have form with validation (check to database MySQL). like this
this code is work with appear messages 'ERROR : No KTP sudah ada di data karyawan.!!!' but the form input will be reset. so I must input this form again.
How to still appear the messages but the field not reset ?
thanks before for your time
This happens because of the redirect. Basically, it reloads the page. What you can do, is after the form is validated, place the inputed values in session variables. If the form is validated correctly and no errors appear, then unset the session variables, else, redirect and on the view page, by default, in each input, place what you have in the session var. kind of like this:
echo '<input type='text' name='some_name' value='.(isset($_SESSION['some_name']) ? $_SESSION['some_name'] : ').' />
Hope it helps! Roxio creator 2010 special edition.
Keep on coding
Maybe the best solution is load the view which contains the form and passing all the post array to reload inputs.
And then, again in the form view, load inputs calling: Undang-undang laut melaka pdf download free.
Hope this helps.
EDIT 1: My fail naming $form_contents in view and controller. Previously was wrong, now is ok.
I Hope my question is not wrong(not easy for you). to the point..
I have form with validation (check to database MySQL). like this
Published by the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project and Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program since April 1966, the journal provides area-studies scholars and interested readers with contemporary analyses of Indonesia and an extensive archive of research pertaining to the nation and the region. Program cerita wayang ramayana bahasa jawa.
this code is work with appear messages 'ERROR : No KTP sudah ada di data karyawan.!!!' but the form input will be reset. so I must input this form again.
How to still appear the messages but the field not reset ?
thanks before for your time
This happens because of the redirect. Basically, it reloads the page. What you can do, is after the form is validated, place the inputed values in session variables. If the form is validated correctly and no errors appear, then unset the session variables, else, redirect and on the view page, by default, in each input, place what you have in the session var. kind of like this:
echo '<input type='text' name='some_name' value='.(isset($_SESSION['some_name']) ? $_SESSION['some_name'] : ').' />
Hope it helps!
Keep on coding
Maybe the best solution is load the view which contains the form and passing all the post array to reload inputs.
And then, again in the form view, load inputs calling:
Hope this helps.
EDIT 1: My fail naming $form_contents in view and controller. Previously was wrong, now is ok.