Posted by5 years ago
  1. Allow Users To Run The Program Independently Of Assignments Sccm 2012
  2. Sccm 2007 Allow Users To Run The Program Independently Of Assignments

Allow users to run the program independently of assignments. By default, advertisements with assignments are not visible to users. Selecting this option allows the assigned program to appear among the programs listed under Advertised Programs, Run Advertised Programs, or Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. The user can run. Allow users to run the program independently of assignments: If enabled, users can install this software from Software Center regardless of any scheduled installation time. Software installation: Allows the software to be installed outside of any configured maintenance windows.

A few noob sccm questions - package deployments, bat files, better ways to do things?

Hi r/sccm,

I apologise for my noob questions (and thank you for your help with previous questions) but I'm kinda stuck and I have been instructed to get these things working. Unfortunately my knowledge of SCCM is minimal and I'm just trying to self teach as I go. I'm sorry for being greedy and asking so many questions in one go, but if anyone could provide any assistance on even one of these questions I'd really appreciate it! Thanks so much in advance for taking the time.

  1. I am trying to test a deployment on my machine, but after it has deployed and not run properly, how can I cancel the old advertisment and repush a new one? Seems there's a flag somewhere saying this has already run, and an updated version of the package just won't automatically push to the machine. Do I need to delete something?

  2. After I've gone through the steps to create package > create collection > create deployment. how can I speed up the process of actually getting it to the machine? Is there a process I can force run or something I can update? I run a summarization, but it sits in 'unknown status' for ages before finally I see the package has been pushed to the ccmcache on the machine. and then sit and wait for it to run.

  3. A lot of the tasks I'm trying to automate/deploy involve installing a series of MSI's, reg fixes, taskkill commands and reopening applications once they are complete. What is the best way to do this? Currently I'm creating a batch file with step after step which run perfectly when executed from a command prompt, but they don't seem to work as sccm deployments. Even if I run from the ccmcache folder manually, the script works beautifully. Is it better to use a task sequence than a package for these sorts of tasks? What if I'm deploying an available advertisment (say an update package) and a task sequence is not available? Lastly, where can I check on a machine or server why a batch script is failing to execute properly?

  4. Is there a way to make some parts of the task hidden and not others? For example, I'm using a batch file for a task which runs hidden, however, one of the steps is a msg * 'message here' prompt to alert a user that they need to close open applications, and then after 90 seconds taskkill runs to close outlook etc. The script runs but doesn't alert the user, it's like the msg * box is hidden. Is there a better way to do this?

Below is the example of the script I'm running that's failing.

The task is designed to run a reg key to update the local machine registry with the previous software versions install path source, warn the user their apps will be closed in 90 seconds, task kill interaction client and outlook, run the update, restart the interactionclient.exe and alert the user they can open their apps again.

(Files in package are interaction_client_su17_install_fix.reg, the below .cmd file, and icuserapps_su17.msp) (Task command line in package is just 'cmd /c filename.cmd') (Task is set to run normal, don't allow users to interact, run with admin rights, run whether or not user is logged on, deployment is required, notification is allow users to run the program independently of assignments)

You can choose to have these printed by Blurb, or you can format them to export as a PDF and then print them yourself. Cons Text color: Some of the text in this program can be hard to read at times because of the lack of contrast with the black background that dominates the interface. Adobe photoshop lightroom 3 crack download. Photo books: Another nice feature is the option to order physical photo books through the app.

REM @Echo off

pushd '%~dp0'


REM Update SU10-14 install source locations (changes local machine reg paths to su14 update source files) REGEDIT /s Interaction_Client_SU17_Install_Fix.reg

Allow Users To Run The Program Independently Of Assignments Sccm 2012

msg * /TIME:89 'Software update in progress. Please close Outlook and Interaction client or they will be forced closed in 90 seconds and you may lose unsaved data. Please don't re-open until you see the 'Installation complete' message.'

TIMEOUT 90 /nobreak

taskkill /f /im interactionclient.exe /t taskkill /f /im outlook.exe /t

REM Update Su14 client to su17 msiexec /p icuserapps_su17.msp /qn /norestart

IF EXIST 'c:Users' (goto win7) else goto winxp


start ' 'C:Program Files (x86)Interactive IntelligenceICUserAppsInteractionClient.exe'

goto end

Sccm 2007 Allow Users To Run The Program Independently Of Assignments


start ' 'C:Program FilesInteractive IntelligenceICUserAppsInteractionClient.exe'


msg * 'Installation complete. You may now open your applications again. Click OK to close this message.'


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