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I am doing a bit of a study on the Sportco/Omark 44 rifles and so far have found some of the generally accepted production dates seem to be off. Hoping to put together a nice small summary
In order to do a decent job, I need more serial numbers of which as of now I have 57 from early 1968 to the 43rd rifle made in 1987.
Could anyone who has access to a rifle with a known purchase history give their data? I do not need the last digit, just the following data:
1) Serial number and prefix
2) If the imprint says Sportco or just the Omark print.
3) If a United Kingdom Section of the Milsurp Knowledge Library.', BGCOLOR, '#DDDDDD', BORDERCOLOR, '#000000', BORDERWIDTH, '1',FOLLOWMOUSE, 0, OFFSETX, -10, OPACITY, '95', FADEIN, '25', FADEOUT, '25', CLICKCLOSE, true,FOLLOWSCROLL, true, PADDING, 0, BALLOON, 1 ,ABOVE, false, TITLE1, 'United Kingdom - Milsurp Knowledge Library',LINKURL, '', SHOWCLOSE, 0, BALLOONIMGPATH , 'autolinker/images/balloons/yellow'); microAjax('autolinker/autolinker_stats.php?uid=0&fid=11&t=v&kw=UK', function (res) {;});'>UK gun, the import proof date (or picture/description of same, I can date from that)
4) If it has the original light barrel (1-12) with handguard, the intermediate weight barrel (full over chamber in 1-13 to circa 1982) or the final Omark/ MAB bull barrel with the 1-14 twist.
Also I have very few serial number post 1984, only 2 out of 57 are MAB made rifles, nothing past 1987 even though MAB seems to have advertised the rifle up until 2008 on their web site (at least parts support)
any help would be appreciated.

Gibson Serial Numbers

Aug 18, 2017 - Looking for an sportco/omark 308 to start shooting in f classFairly new to shooting and from a. Serial numbers tell the models apart. Sportco M44 Rifle Having assembled the rifle, I assembled the base, blocks, rings and the scope without further mishap. I aligned the reticule and secured the scope, I followed this up by placing a Laser on the muzzle to roughly align the reticule with the bore and thus save some time and ammunition when I go to the range to test the rifle. P nk discography rapidshare.